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Prince Chuck, on first the day of the royal sex try-outs, maintained his erection for five hours, during which he achieved, using just manual stimulation, sixty-two orgasms, an average of just over one every five minutes.


Naked as on the day he was born to Queen Saturday and Prince Wanx of Venus, he stood before the Interplanetary Board of Royal Breeders in the Palace of Olympus Mons and was commanded to, "Proceed," by the one hundred and thirty-two year old Lady Destiny.


The prince ejaculated ten fluid ounces of semen during the first hour and a further eleven during the following four hours. The semen count consistently registered in the five hundred to six hundred million. The prince was judged unanimously by the Board to be, and I quote, 'a dark chocolate-skinned Adonis, devilishly handsome, having a disarmingly charming demeanour and a firm and strong body, equipped with a thick and long member of kingly proportions'. He was found to possess a four and a half inch tongue, capable of touching his eyes and of shuttling in and out at a speed of nine times a second. The strength, rapidity and stamina of the prince's pelvic thrusts were determined by a prolonged series of exercises which left the royal personage only mildly fatigued. Thus he passed the try-out with flying colors and returned to the sweltering jungles of Venus to prepare for the coupling. The proceedings were marred only slightly by some remarks made by the prince to the Lady Destiny of an allegedly lecherous nature. For this misdemeanor the prince was, upon his return home, denied use of his PS5000 for a week.


Similarly, Princess Frappuccina acquitted herself admirably before the Board the following day when, with the aid of just her hands, she proved herself to be the most multi-orgasmic woman on record. Within five hours the princess averaged one individual orgasm every fifty-two seconds, scoring five hundred and seventy-six in total. The try-out was closely monitored under the close scrutiny of Lady Destiny and her colleagues. The oral skills of Her Royal Highness were determined by her ability to suck a golf ball through a thirty foot garden hose, a task she completed in under fifteen seconds. Upon further examination she was also found to be a highly fecund young lady with over two million eggs in each ovary and a good, sound uterus. Only a little tired, she was allowed to return to her rooms in the palace. The satisfied Board described the princess, and again I quote, as 'the finest example of maidenhood that could be hoped for, a Helen of Troy, pulchritudinous of face and body, with a milk-white complexion, curvaceous, full-bosomed and ample-rumped and with a neat little pudenda; as charming a young lady as anyone could meet on a May morning'.


Upon hearing that she had qualified, the princess is reported to have squealed and jumped up and down in a most immodest and unladylike fashion. Her father, King Gene of Mars, grounded her for a week in compliance with the Board's wishes.


I spoke with Lady Destiny following the try-outs. Never, she told me, in all her years of judging the sexual capabilities of royalty, had she been witness to such exemplary wanking, blowing, ejaculating and sucking. Both the royal heirs were fine examples that proved once again the efficacy of the controversial Interplanetary Royal Breeding Program. The prince and princess had exceeded everyone's expectations and the stage was thus set for the finest royal coupling in living memory. With interplanetary sexual frustration at epidemic levels, she told me, never was a royal coupling so desperately craved by the people of the United Planets. Sadly, it was to be Lady Destiny's final sexual judging as she died of a coronary just a few minutes later.


And so, six months on, you join us here at the foot of mighty Olympus Mons on this beautiful day in June. Martian Weather Control has promised to keep the day blizzard free allowing everyone to stroll around in fleeces rather than the usual thick thermal suits. Crowds are lining both sides of Sausage Throwing Mall, thickening closer to the cathedral of Our Lady Of Perpetual Climax where the coupling is set to take place in just under half an hour from now. The mood of the crowd is good-natured and I have already witnessed a few outbreaks of sexual intercourse amongst them. Rather them than me. I won't be exposing my private parts to the freezing Martian climate today, even if it is only minus fifteen degrees.


I have just been told that the cock's carriage has left Focas House and is making its way here. Images are reaching us now of the carriage drawn by two enormous wampa geldings, flanked by four mounted wampaguards. Isn't that a sight? The prince sitting behind looking a little anxious, and beside him his brother, Prince Jack. Both of them are in the uniform of the Royal Venusian Marines.


Mention has to be made of the story that broke in the news this morning that police were called to the house last night after reports of loud music and drunken debauchery.


The Royal Venusian House of Orf was keen to play down these reports, especially information that passers-by heard screams of, "Fuck me, my darling Chucky!"


Apparently the House of Orf have a loose-moraled cook of similar name to the young master and it was in fact this minion who was attempting to bring the household into disrepute through his questionable behaviour. He has since been removed from the household, for who knows what such corruptive sounds could do to the mind of the virgin prince as he lay alone in bed, dreaming innocently of his virgin princess.


And yes, reports are just reaching us that the pussy's carriage is also now approaching the cathedral, having just left the quadrangle of the palace. Like all the carriages this is a closed carriage, allowing us just glimpses of the princess through the window. The dress, designed by Nutella Poil, has been the cause of much speculation, but as yet we only see a long ivory veil spangled with mother of pearl and with the Culetto family tiara holding it in place.


The princess has spent the last six months cloistered away in her opulent rooms living such a life as to defy all slander. Except for the slander of the gutter press, of course, who seem to insist on maintaining the ridiculous rumor that the princess and Internet porn star Fellatia Fuxxx are one and the same. The Royal Martian House of Culetto have since put paid to such rumors by posting images of the princess' intact hymen online with full details of how it had been repaired after the try-out. Their official assurance has been given that any resemblance the princess may have to the adult star is purely coincidental and, anyway, is only noticeable from certain angles when Her Royal Highness has her eyes closed and her mouth wide open.


Carriages are now already drawing up to the cathedral with members of the king's household. With them step out Lord and Lady Hooligan onto the red carpet, followed by the Count and Countess of Balboa. Now the carriage with His Majesty's Pleasurers: the Baron Colon, his nephew Uranius with the Viscount and Viscountess Tossoff. They all wear the ceremonial diamond strapons which flash dazzlingly in the morning sun and they wave to the crowd who, in turn, respectfully display them their fleecy, pantalooned posteriors.


The toffs enter the cathedral, and now a huge roar greets the arrival of the Venusian Queen in her beautiful carriage. A footman opens the door and first steps down the queen's consort, Prince Wanx, resplendent, like his son, in the florescent pink and orange battle shorts of the Royal Venusian Marines. I hope, for his sake, that he's wearing some thermal underwear. The glacial Martian temperatures must be a shock to the system for the Venusians, used as they are to average temperatures of thirty-five degrees and above. And now, holding her husband's hand, we see Queen Saturday step down from the carriage, and what a sight to behold she is. A striking woman of Amazonian proportions, she has chosen for this great state occasion a beautiful dress comprising layers of entirely transparent Venusian silk which display her athletic form to perfection. The style is late twenty-first century with an invisible basque, invisible long skirt and invisible bustle. Beneath, the queen's assets are delicately enhanced with gold jewellery and diamonds. Particularly appealing is a gold chain hanging tastefully across the queen's broad buttocks. As she and Prince Wanx ascend the carpeted steps they acknowledge the rumps of the crowd with gracious waves.


Oh, the queen stumbles slightly in her high platforms but recovers herself quickly and with a mumbled, "Sod it!" which I'm sure no one in the crowd hears, she enters the building.


The cheers of the crowd increase as now the carriage of King Gene and Princess Kissy approaches the carpet. First to alight is Princess Kissy in a fairy tale white dress with a high fur collar. Her delicate, slender, doll-like form is enhanced by her beautiful platinum blonde hair piled high in the dildo hairdo so popular these days. She is immediately followed by the King who is in the yellow and black bumblebee uniform of a Martian Army general. The princess gives him a delightful fondle and grope before they join everyone else inside.


The procession of Prince Chuck now enters Sausage Throwing Mall and the crowd's excitement increases. The blinkered wampas are most experienced in such state occasions having been trained by King Gene himself. They pass beneath the Bridge of Nexplanon and pass the house where, two hundred years ago, there lived the architect Justin Beeblebrox who designed this wonderful cathedral. Dwarfed though it is by the enormous mountain at the foot of which it stands, the cathedral still rises proud and erect, penetrating the cloudless welkin.


The royal carriage arrives and the crowd erupts with happy cheers. A footman in the Culetto livery opens the door and Prince Chuck steps down with a jaunty spring in his step followed by Prince Jack. They wave to the crowd, stride athletically up the steps, are greeted by a few negligible hangers on and then vanish inside.


The atmosphere of the cathedral interior is just as intense as outside, though more hushed due to the respect and dignity of the royal personages. On the left sit the cock's family, the pussy's on the right. Queen Saturday, taking her seat beside her husband, nods and smiles at the relatives of the pussy. All now await the slow procession of the prince. The organ tune you hear is by Nicholas Ménage who lived in the twenty-second century. The cockgroom and Prince Jack smile to all these friends who surround them on either side of this satisfyingly long and thick cathedral aisle. They are led by gentlemen ushers and, behind the prince, walk his private secretaries, looking rather nice in stockings and suspenders. The prince has unbuttoned his jacket, as is traditional, to reveal a most excellent six-pack.


The cock approaches the members of his family before the altar. Outside, the pussy is arriving on time. The two senior pussymaids, Rose Bush-Gardener and Fonda Dicks-Hardy, looking very pretty, descend the steps to greet the carriage. And now for the first time we shall see, in all it's glory, that dress.


And here she comes. She's having quite a job getting out. Oh, there's yards of it. What a beauty she looks! There is a pussy any man would be proud to have. And to have again and again. The dress is made of taffeta with an enormous train and the pussymaids are having some difficulty straightening it out. The neckline plunges to just above the navel, displaying the princess' fulsome, pendulous breasts to perfection. She only has the veil to keep them warm but fortunately there are just a few steps to go before she's safely in the warmth of the cathedral. The brass band strikes up the fanfare, the pussy takes her father's arm and they now face the long walk to the altar. The cock at the front cannot know what a ravishing sight now approaches him. The pussy carries a bouquet, especially designed by Freakout Doo-Wop Popcorn-Obama, of orchids, myrtle and traditional Martian fungi.


The pussy's procession, with the pussymaids and pages in the rear, moves forward in stately fashion to the tune of 'I Want Your Sex' by the late twentieth century post-modernist composer Georgios Kyriacos Panayiotou played on the magnificent, huge organ of Our Lady of Perpetual Climax. A few yards ahead walk the Dean and Chapter of the cathedral. The pussy maintains an air of mystery by not throwing the veil back and her nipples remain two faint points of pinkness in a haze of ivory. They are watched with great pride and delight by the Royal House of Culetto. How splendid the procession looks taking this long walk.


The cock turns, is greeted by the warm smile of his pussy and they all walk the short distance to the edge of the steps. They stop as the organ music grinds to shuddering halt and, there before them, they see the magnificent sunken altar-bed awaiting the horny couple. The coupling service is introduced by the Dean, the Very Reverend Fanny Stroker.


"Dearly beloved," she intones, "we are gathered here in the sight of God and in and the face of this congregation to join together this man and this woman in the holy sacrament of sexual intercourse."


The service is now continued by the Archbishop of Phobos, Dr Homer Derp-Laphoonn, dignified in his bulbous bishop's helmet, but while that interminable old queen is droning on I should remind all viewers to have their VR nose plugs at the ready in order to fully enjoy today's coupling. Our coverage is sponsored by Atomic Aphrodisiacs and The Lunar Lovebot Corporation. If you enjoy this coverage by Fuxxx News please remember to subscribe.


"Chuck Vibrator Herpes Joan Crawford," the Archbishop announces, "wilt thou have this woman to thy coupled pussy, wilt thou love her, comfort her, ravish and roger her so long as ye both shall remain conscious?"


"I will," asserts the cock and the same is asked of Frappuccina Fifi Gonorrhoea John Wayne, with the word 'roger' altered to 'shag' as is traditional for the female. The pussy also asserts in the positive to cheers from outside the cathedral.


And now comes the unveiling of the genitalia. Four members of the clergy come forward, two to unbutton the prince and two to raise the skirts of the princess. The happy couple grasp themselves firmly between the legs and we are at last offered a view of the prince's now legendary member. It is indeed a fine specimen that, though currently at thirty per cent its full hardness, looks easily capable of giving the princess a series of very satisfying climaxes. Via the prince's neural receptors we can report that the temperature of the royal member is now well above average for one not fully engorged. The princess' vagina, say the neural receptors, has already begun to lubricate, indicating the heightened sexuality of this remarkable young woman.


"With this cock," instructs Dr Derp-Laphoonn, whose words are repeated by the prince, "I thee fuck. With my body I thee roger and all my bodily goods with thee I share." And turning to the princess he goes on, "With this pussy I thee fuck," and so on, his words duplicated by the princess though, in her nerves, she mumbles 'roger' instead of 'shag'. I am sure that, on such an overwhelming occasion, no one will think less of her for such a minor mistake.


The couple now place their hands on each other's genitals, the princess placing her hand around the prince's dick and the prince covering the princess' quim. They both harden and lubricate respectively.


"Those," the Archbishop chants, "whom God has joined together let no being put asunder until they have shagged each other senseless. I pronounce that they be cock and pussy together, in the name of the Mother and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, amen."


Now, viewers at home, it's time to log into either the prince or the princess and plug yourselves in for this most anticipated of royal rogerings. I myself am now logging into the Princess Frappuccina and I immediately sense her arousal first hand as if it were my body experiencing it.


Prince Chuck leads his lady down the five steps to the opulent, soft, white alter-bed. Six members of the cathedral clergy are at hand to undress the couple and while this is happening the couple gaze lustfully into each other's eyes. The princess' lovely, long blonde plaits are revealed. They spill over her shoulders and down her back. She decides, as is traditional, to leave the white stockings on. The garters are wide silk ribbons tied prettily at the front in bows. She climbs onto the altar-bed which is of the most luxuriant softness. She gazes up at her man as he is denuded of the last of his clothes. His penis now stands firm and erect at forty-five degrees and, though only at seventy-nine per cent it's maximum stiffness, is still an impressive sight to behold. The few visible veins bulging along each side only enhance, rather than mar, its beauty. The skin is smooth, a very, very dark, velvety brown, and the head a deep magenta. The gonads are bigger than average and compliment the large cock wonderfully. The prince stretches his limbs to display his muscular physique and steps onto the mattress.


The princess how raises her parted legs to form the signature 'V' sign, 'V' for virgin, stating that she is ready and compliant. The princess' pussy is a glistening slim-lipped slit that invitingly asks to be kissed and stroked. The clitoral hood bulges slightly like the minimally expressed tongue of an impudent girl. The princess is gifted for lovemaking with a large amount of nerve endings in the vaginal walls, allowing her to easily achieve orgasm through penetration alone.


Both the genitals of the prince and the princess are hairless, that trait having been bred from the royal families generations ago.


Everyone holds their breath in hot anticipation. Very soon we shall see evidence of the six months' rigorous training that both have received in VR which, while preserving the couple's virginity, and surely there can be no one who still believes those vicious rumors, will have surely taught them all there is to know about the art of lovemaking.


I should just mention here that during the coupling the Choir of Our Lady of Perpetual Climax will perform an improvised accompaniment to the events on the altar-bed. The singers' brains are linked via Wi-Fi to the brains of the royal couple. The choir will therefore augment the outcries of orgasmic pleasure with their own, but interpreted tonally and harmonically.


As the man stands over his mate a bright drop of cum appears at the tip of the cock, dribbles some way down the underside, then drips onto the princess' labia. She hisses through her teeth, arches her back and the prince falls upon her, burying himself all way in with one swift thrust. Ah yes. The princess takes the royal cock surprisingly easily and appears to experience little to no pain. Yes, that is surprising. The lovers clasp each other tightly and the royal coupling begins.


They start with the standard 'missionary', quickly morphing into a 'man trap' with the princess' legs wrapped around the prince's. Their bodies are clasped together and the pussy is tight, ahh, around the cock. The princess cums within thirty seconds, oh my God. A number of similar variations on this classic theme are practised before the second orgasm approaches and, ahh yes, yes, yes, the prince succeeds in getting the princess off again in under a minute and a half. The princess and the choir moan and groan in unison, their voices reverberating around the vast, ancient building. The cock is now at maximum hardness, the pussy has already lubricated a hundred millilitres and the couple continue to fuck without a pause as their heart rates both steadily increase from a hundred to a hundred and thirty a minute. They assume a 'glowing triangle' and the princess humps away from beneath. A rosy pink glow has colored her cheeks, making her prettier than ever. She then lifts her legs, the prince holds them to his hard chest and he bumps away her in the 'magic bullet' position. Leaving her legs resting against him he reaches forward to fondle her 34DD boobs. She lowers a leg and the couple assume the 'splitting bamboo', still humping away at an average of a hundred and twenty-eight thrusts a minute. A series of orgasms tear through the princess, Jesus fuck, leaving her utterly breathless.


Now the princess twists until the prince is fucking her from behind. Never once do they miss a stroke and they continue to pump away smoothly throughout. A series of doggy style derived positions follow and Her Royal Highness' boobs flap violently to and fro until the princes bends forward to cup them and squeeze them tightly. Faster, baby, faster. He grunts and the choir grunt too in the key of E flat. His princess cries out and cums on his cock, ooh yes, oh yes, baby, yes, squirting almost an entire cupful, leaving her man's midriff completely soaked. She pushes her rump against him, they kiss tenderly and the prince grasps her firmly around the waist. He pulls her onto him and continues to pump away at her pussy with her on top. The princess raises her legs and points her toes at the beautiful painted ceiling fresco of Our Lady of Perpetual Climax, specifically at the scene depicting Adam knowing his wife.


I can report that a mutual orgasm of titanic proportions is approaching, just five minutes into the royal coupling. Ecstatic contractions are beginning in the genitals of the princess while the prince's gonads are erupting volcanically with a way above average cumload. Like a tidal wave it hits and, aah yeah, aah, Jesus Christ, fuck, God, that's so good, baby, fuck yeah, the prince ejaculates once, twice, three times, on and on and on like a machine gun, squirting his cum hard into the princess, firing it deep into the royal uterus. A nanocam inside the princess shows the royal prick ramming into her hard and fast like a subway train, shooting millions of sperms all the way through the cervix. The lady collapses on top of her gentleman in a frenzy of extreme pleasure and he kisses her tenderly while replacing his cock with his finger. The singing of the choir softens while the couple, everyone here, the people outside and everyone online pauses to regain their breath.


Only for a moment, however, as now begins the royal oral. Prince Chuck gently places Princess Frappuccina on her back with her head just over the edge of the altar-bed, steps off the bed, stands over her and offers Her Royal Highness his already erect penis. She opens her mouth wide and he introduces his cock slowly. She holds his hips and draws him forward, allowing him to penetrate her mouth. Via the nanocam we can see the royal prick sliding under the tongue, completely filling his lady's mouth. Then she takes in more and more and the glans of the penis push in deeper. The VR training has clearly taught the princess how to suppress her gag reflex. Laid horizontally, so that the prince's cock faces no impediment, it slides down through the pharynx, over the epiglottis until the tip rests against the princess' larynx which, as she hums, vibrates the glans of the penis. This stimulates the prince to further excitement and he begins a slow, gentlemanly shuttling of his cock within the princess. Maintaining this rhythm he bends forward, squeezes the princess' breasts and works his way over to her pudenda. He kisses, then tongues her labia, tasting the heady cocktail of her juices, his spunk and their sweat. While thrusting his hips gently backwards and forwards, offering people in the congregation an excellent view of his tight buttocks, he plunges his tongue into the pussy. Like a bee sucking the pollen from a flower he sucks at the princess' honey-dripping vulva. She spreads her beautiful long legs wide until they do the splits and she grinds her buttocks into the sheets. They both begin a duet of wauling and crying as their pleasure mounts and mounts until, sweet fucking Jesus Christ, they cum together, flooding their respective liquids into each other's mouths.


The happy couple lie together and kiss for a few moments, fondling and stroking each other. The royal cock is quickly massaged back into fuck readiness and the action is resumed by the princess who, presenting her back to the lying prince, lowers her pussy down onto him. The couple perform the classic reverse cowgirl, happily smiling for the photographers and journalists who have now been allowed, just for a few minutes, down the steps to stand around the bed. They are, of course, forbidden to get on the bed or touch the couple in any inappropriate way.


"Your Royal Highness," says one fish faced reporter bowing, and the princess graciously offers him her hand to kiss. "How do you feel the royal coupling is progressing?"


"Oh, one is simply thrilled about it," beams the young lady while bouncing on the prince's pole. "Chuck is majorly cute and really knows how to pleasure a lady."


"Any signs of fatigue yet, ma'am?"


"None whatsoever."


"And what do you hope the coupling will achieve?"


"One rather hopes to to become a film star, what what?"


"I mean, how does ma'am hope the coupling will benefit the people watching?"


"To all the lovely people watching one wishes them many, many happy endings."


The princess blows a kiss to the nearest camera and proceeds to cum screaming on the prince's eleven inch love truncheon.


After this excitement a weasel faced reporter greets the prince with a bow and inquires, "Your Royal Highness, how are you enjoying the princess?"


"Oh, rather."


"You're putting on a very impressive show here. Aiming for any records?"

The prince is momentarily distracted as the princess repositions herself by bending forward and stretching her legs to assume the 'x-wing fighter' position. The couple continue with barely a break, the princess twitching and wiggling her bum while giggling playfully.


The question is repeated and the prince replies, "One should think we'll be smashing the whole jolly lot of them before the day is through, hey? Ha ha ha!"


Everyone shares a good-natured laugh.


"And what do you hope to gain from the day's extraordinary event?"


"One hopes it'll beef up the morale of our Martian soldiers currently prosecuting the war on Australia and Frappy here has already agreed to become the army mascot, uh, oh yes."


"Excellent, and does the prince have any messages for those enjoying you?"


"Oh fuck, yes, uh, oh my God! What one means is, the best is yet to come, you lucky subjects!"


There are smiles all round, a cheer from everyone outside and the couple are left alone to resume their earnest endeavours; alone apart from the trillions of people logged into their neural receptors, that is.


The princess' stockings, now reduced to shreds by the vigorous action of the couple's lust filled frenzy, are discarded. Humping now at average speed of a hundred and forty thrusts a minute, the couple change into a 'prone tiger' with the prince sitting up. Then this gradually changes into a 'prone bone' with her flat beneath him, her legs tight together and his body thrusting away from above. The sensation of his cock being tightened by the princess' vagina is proving especially enjoyable for the prince, our monitors are showing. The lucky prince is equipped with extra nerve endings along his cock, making it as sensitive at the sides as it is at the tip. He has no problem at all inserting himself deeply, however, and again, oh wow, yes, yes, fuck yes, they cum again delightfully in unison. The ecstatic singing from the choir reaches a crescendo and, Jesus Hieronymus Christ, fuck, fuck, fuck-a-doodle-doo, aah mommy, yet another climax, swift on the heels of the last, tears through both of their young, beautiful bodies.


The princess' nanocam, meanwhile, has picked up images of the royal egg leaving the royal Fallopian tube. It is now, as you can see, entering the royal uterus. The couple proceed to pound away at furiously at each other. As I expected, the prince finds the most particular stimulation of the 'prone bone' too much to resist and he ejaculates once more. The prince has so far shown remarkable consideration for his lover, having now made her cum thirty-nine times in just the first half hour, but his passion overcomes him and he spasmodically fires copious gobs of cum into the royal fanny. A nanocam inside the urethra shows five million, seven thousand and seventy-six healthy sperms stampeding up the shaft at an astonishing twenty miles an hour.


The princess feels the hard slaps of his ejaculations against her cervix and, holy hot shit, I love you, mama, papa and all the saints of Arcadia, her cunt spasms faster than the wings of a hummingbird as she cries tears of orgasmic joy. Rivers of semen rush into the royal box, flooding it, augmenting the many previous ejaculations, filling it up and smothering the egg. The egg is pierced in record time and now begins the happy sequence of events deep inside the princess' body that will see the growth of a remarkable heir. The union of two of the Solar System's most remarkable fuckers will have no doubt produced a force to be will reckoned with indeed.


The insemination having been completed, the couple are now free to enjoy themselves in any way they wish. The cry outside of, "Anal! Anal! Anal!" has been rising now for over a minute. Now comes an opportunity for the prince to display his skills as a tender lover.


He withdraws from the pussy and begins caressing the princess' buttocks. The prince bends down and touches the tiny puckered mouth of the princess' anus with the tip of his tongue. Her entire body shivers in anticipation of this new pleasure. Wetting a finger with the juices from her pussy, the prince now circles the sphincter with the oiled tip of his finger. He gently teases her, allowing his index finger to probe the royal anus up to the first joint. The princess squeezes the bed sheet in her right hand and opens her mouth wide. Then the finger is replaced with the tongue which, due to its exceptional length, easily snakes all the way inside the princess on a deep odyssey into her anal secrets. The anal nanocam, and fortunately the princess fasted for a few hours before the coupling, shows the tongue rimming the anus in a clockwise direction giving the lovely princess a series of delightful spasms of joy. The ring opens surprisingly easily, slowly relaxing under the gentle administrations of the prince. He then takes his ever hard member, gives the pussy a few more strokes with it to ensure he is thoroughly covered in her lubricant, then nudges against the door to her rectum. For an age the couple seem almost frozen, the prince's hard body rearing above her, his long tool pushed almost but not quite into her rear. Sweat from both their bodies runs down her back, between her cheeks and around the anus, adding further lubricant. The prince kisses her and whispers tender loving words into her ear.


The princess, the choir and the crowd all scream as the cock slowly sinks down and disappears between the cheeks. The princess screams and gasps as she feels the entire length of her prince slide up inside her until his hips come to rest on her bum. She experiences pain, it cannot be denied, but not as much as expected. The prince pulls out very, very slowly and plunges back into her vagina. Just one thrust into that hole to wet his cock with more fresh juices, then he re-enters her anus. The prince is finding this process incredibly stimulating but, concentrating hard, he's able to resist cumming for the moment. The anus takes the cock more easily this time. The princess squeezes a hand down under her hips, squashed as they are against the bed by the weight of the prince on top of her, and begins fingering her clitoris, this movement only possible due to the degree to which she is perspiring. She cries out, arches her back and contorts her face in a mixture of pain and pleasure. The couple fuck as if in slow motion, showing incredible self-control. The thrusts to the anus are broken every so often with one thrust to the pussy. Both the princess' holes are wide open. She is now fully relaxed and able to enjoy a slightly more vigorous series of pokes in the bum. Clearly determined to make her cum before he does, the prince takes his time, panting now with the exertion. When Her Royal Highness does eventually cum, ooh-ooh, aah-aah, wow-wow, hubba-hubba, surrender Dorothy, you fucking bitch, it is a long slow submersion in a sea of ecstasy. She emits a high-pitched squeal, clenches her sphincter around the princes' cock while her vaginal walls also clench again and again, and a long river of royal girlcum is squirted into the sheets. This is then joined by the royal boycum which, having erupted from the anus, leaks down between them onto the bed.


A huge round of applause from the crowds both inside and outside the cathedral greet this Olympian display of horniness. The prince collapses by the side of his princess but she isn't going to let him rest for a moment. She pops his prick into her mouth and bobs up and down on him at a speed of three bobs a second. Many in the congregation, "Coo!" and "Aah!" moved by such a loving act. The prince momentarily blacks out, so intense are his penile paroxysms. Once the prince has been fully satisfied in this fashion, he gathers his strength to return the favor. His tongue enters her, licking all the way around her vaginal walls, provoking her into a series of ejaculations, rama lama ding dong, resembling a fit. Her own tongue lolls, her eyes roll upwards and the pleasure overload causes her neural network to crash.


Excuse me a moment while I log out of her. Phew! Oh, my goodness gracious.


As the prince continues to batter away at the princess, pushing forward until her top half slips off the altar-bed, and as our technicians work to restore the connection to the princess' brain, all that remains is for me to thank you for listening to me rattle on that and I hope you continue to enjoy our exclusive coverage. On behalf of Fuxxx News I'd like to wish you all many more happy squirts to cum, today and every day.


I'm James Flathead. I now hand you back to Bill O'Really in the studio.


Copyright © Irma Cerrutti 2015

A  Royal Coupling

Dust Sneakin' In The Back - Unknown Artist
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